Reasonable Adjustments
Occupational Health

Equality Act & EDI Consultants

Occupational Health - Workplace Adjustments - Education Adjustments - Life Adjustments 

What Are Reasonable Adjustments and Why Do They Matter?

Organisations and service-providers like employers, local authorities, the NHS, universities, schools and colleges have a legal responsibility to take positive steps to remove the barriers you may face because of your disability or long term health condition. The Equality Act 2010 calls this the duty to make Reasonable Adjustments, and this is often known as a Workplace Adjustment.

These adjustments, whether they occur in the workplace, school, or college, are important because they ensure you receive the same opportunities and services as everyone else. This means you can perform your best, achieve your qualifications, and gain accesses to services. When you thrive, your employer benefits as well through increased performance and and job satisfaction.

We enable you to do what you want to do, and do it well, regardless of disability. Reasonable or Workplace adjustments are an essential part of any organisation and we can help you obtain the adjustments you deserve. But that’s not all that’s we do…

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